To the left is a not so nice picture of me. My name is Scott
incase you did not know. Well let me tell you a little about
my self. I am a thirty year old single father of two crazy,
yet lovable kids. I am currently unemployed but am thinking of
starting a new business in web design. However, I'm not sure
if I have enough skill just yet, after all this is my first
web site. Anyway I really like pretty much anything to do with
computers. That is anything from building computers or
networks to web design or making DVD's or other stuff. I spend
most of my time in the living room on my computer. You can see
my computer workstation below. I love my little
setup. |
the big screen and my computer. I don't really have any need
to leave it. But I do. I spend some time volunteering at the
my kids school. Up until just recently I didn't really have
any time for the kids. I would work so much that they would
get mad that they didn't see me enough and they were always
fighting for my attention when I was home. I think I over estimated
the importance of money and working all the time to get it. I
am a little worried about what I am going to do for money in
the future but I realize that my work shouldn't consume my
life. I mean what good is money if you don't have time to
spend it with the people you love and sometimes all the people
you love need is your time and energy. |


I really enjoy reading about history any ware from the Knights
Templer to ancient Egypt. It's funny what history can teach
us. I also love making web sites its really turning into
something I enjoy. sometimes though i just like going out side
with my telescope and looking up at the stars. It can be very
relaxing and enjoyable looking at the rings of Saturn in real
life and not in a picture or off of T.V.. Another thing I like
to do is just crank up the tunes. Well I think that gives you
a little summery of me and if you want to know more you can
get a hold of me from the info bellow. Thanks for